Durante il recente Lions Europa Forum di Monterux, il Consiglio Europeo del 30 settembre 2017 ha approvato all’unanimità la risoluzione congiunta (MD108, MD112 ed MD118) per costituire un Comitato del Forum Europeo per l’aiuto ai rifugiati.
La risoluzione era stata presentata inizialmente dai Multidistretti 112 e 118 per costituire un Comitato del Forum Europeo per l’aiuto ai rifugiati, incorporando i componenti dell’attuale Comitato istituito al Forum Europeo di Augsburg del 2015 aggiungendo 2 componenti provenienti dall’Asia (almeno uno dal Medio Oriente), 2 dall’Africa e 2 Leo.
Il MD108 ha presentato una “amendment” per allargare maggiormente il coinvolgimento ai paesi dell’area mediterranea, garantendone la rappresentatività, per far sì che le esperienze nell’assistenza ai rifugiati venissero riportate anche all’Osservatorio del Mediterraneo e che il comitato si riunisse anche in occasione della Conferenza del Mediterraneo.
Generalmente, in presenza di uno o più “amendment”, nella seduta finale del Consiglio Europeo (European Council 2) viene votata prima la risoluzione e poi le richieste di modifica (“amendment”), per le quali bisogna raccogliere consensi per avere poi i voti necessari a che la proposta di modifica venga accettata.
Dopo aver presentato venerdì 29 la proposta di modifica, il DI Sandro Castellana ed il CC Mauro Bianchi, insieme con i PID Philippe Gerondal (MD112), Hayri Ülgen (MD118) e Helmut Marhauer (MD111), co-Presidente dell’attuale Comitato per i Rifugiati, hanno lavorato per mettere a punto un testo condiviso da presentare congiuntamente.
Così si è arrivati alla versione finale poi approvata e che si riporta qui di seguito.
Resolution for the Consideration of the European Council at Europa Forum 2017
Draft 1: 25 February 2017
In recognition of the growing desire of Lions in Europe and elsewhere to bring aid and sustenance
to the ever-increasing number of refugees in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere, and in
accordance with the recommendations of the Long Range Planning Committee of Lions Clubs
International, this European Council resolves to establish a Standing Committee of the Europa
Forum as follows:-
- NAME: Refugee Relief Committee
2.1. To assist Clubs and Districts in their efforts to meet the needs of refugees
2.2. To collect data and information, and distribute such to Clubs and Districts, concerning the
status of the refugee problems and the needs of refugees.
2.3. To strengthen relationships and activities between Lions and the United Nations High
Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
2.4. To establish co-operation with other NGOs and Agencies as appropriate.
2.5. To share experiences and ideas between Lions in the European countries and other
2.6. To encourage Clubs, Districts and Multiple Districts to work together in refugee relief
2.7. To encourage the Lions of Europe, Africa and Asia to work together in providing relief for
2.8. To include co-operation with Leos
2.9. To report experiences in refugee relief to Lions Clubs International (LCI), to Lions Clubs
International Foundation (LCIF), to members of the Europa Forum, to Forums of other
constitutional areas, and to other interested parties, including the Mediterranean
3.1. There shall be a maximum of nine committee members from Europe (at least two from
European Mediterranean countries, including Turkey). For a transitional period of three
years, the first committee members from Europe shall be the members of the Refugee
Steering Committee as appointed by LCI/LCIF.
3.2. Further members shall be invited to join the committee as follows: two members from Asia
(at least 1 from Middle East), two members from Africa, and two Leo members.
3.3. In each year after the transitional period, one third of the members of the committee shall
retire by rotation. Retiring members shall be eligible for re-appointment.
3.4. After the transitional period, no two members shall be from the same Multiple/Single
3.5. When vacancies occur, or when committee members retire by rotation, proposals for
European committee appointments may be made to the Chairperson(s) of the committee
by members of the Europa Forum. Appointments shall be by invitation of the committee.
3.6. For the transitional period, the joint chairpersons shall be those Lions currently appointed
as chairpersons to the LCI/LCIF Refugee Steering Committee. Thereafter, the committee
shall choose its chairperson from amongst the members of the committee.
4.1. Regular meetings of the committee shall be held during each Europa Forum, each All
Africa Conference and each ISAAME Conference and each Mediterranean Conference.
4.2. Online conferences shall be held as necessary.
5.1. Expenses shall be met personally by members of the committee, but may be sponsored by
the member’s Multiple District or District.